Best Practices of the Department
Conducting skill development programme for the Physics students on every Thursday by “Thursday Meet” Association. Arranging industrial visit to ISRO (Bangaluru,Trivandrum and Mahendragiri), IIAP – Kodaikanal Nuclear Power Plant (Koodangulam), IIT – Madras , CECRI – Karaikudi and Solar Testing Center –Madurai Kamaraj University in every year.Specialized subjects like solar energy, Astrophysics, Nanotechnology and Medical Instrumentation are associated in the curriculum.
Physics practical demonstration for rural school students in and around Sholavandan schools.
Skill based core and interdisciplinary projects for the final year students at sixth semester.
Physics for competitive examination paper is included in the sixth semester for the purpose higher studies entrance examinations as well as other entrance examinations.
Arranging frequent interaction session for students with meritorious alumnus of the department.
Innovative physics working models are displayed in Science exhibition for rural masses once in two years.
Programming in C++ lab is arranged for practices in two hours per week.